

Enigmatic Poses: Akarna Danurasana

Focus: Adductors, Groin, Hamstrings, Twists

Every time you step on the mat, yoga brings a new experience.  This class is about developing a practice that is more about long holds and less about flowing through postures.  By holding postures, we can really feel the subtleties of how the practice interacts with our bodies. We also use these longer holds to connect the mind to our bodies and bring them both to the present.  As this class progresses, we build up the postures so that we can explore one of the enigmatic poses Akarna Danurasana (Archer Pose). This posture brings together many other elements of postures and through time we learn to appreciate and understand the lessons this posture teaches us.  This pose teaches us that balance, range of motion, focus, breath, and a clear mind are required to come together on the mat. Soon, the posture is over, Savasana arrives, and we rest with the knowledge that we did our best. Happy practicing!

Level 2 , 30 Minute