Cultivating the All Around Experience

Cultivating the All Around Experience

Focus: Adductors, Groin, Hip-opening, Strength Some days we are just looking for an all-around class that brings a smile to the face and a levity to the mood.  This class is designed to create a feel-good feeling throughout the body. When we connect to the body and...
All Around and Back Again

All Around and Back Again

Focus: Adductors, Back-bending, Hamstrings, IT Bands, Twists This class is for those looking for a little bit of everything.  It isn’t too hard, not too easy but gives you an all-around practice.  There is emphasis on lengthening the IT bands and Hamstrings. We add...
Going Deep to Open and Release

Going Deep to Open and Release

Focus: Adductors, Groin, Hamstrings, Hip-opening, Twists We start this practice with some variations of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) that include side bending to add space to the body.  Through a series of standing and warrior poses, we prepare the inner and outer...
Let’s Start the Day and Yoga

Let’s Start the Day and Yoga

Focus: Hamstrings, Hip Flexors, Hip-opening, Twists Let’s get up and go and get the day moving with some Yoga!  We start with some variations on Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations) to create some warmth and flow through the body.  As the practice progresses, we add some...