Rebuild the Body

Rebuild the Body

Focus: Hip-flexors, Twists, Hamstrings, Hips This class is the start of helping you rebuild your body. As a result, the pace and challenge of the class will start to increase from previous classes in the Yoga for Cancer Program. Our goal is to find a gradual increase...
Rebuild and Move

Rebuild and Move

Focus: Side-bending, Twists, Shoulders, Back In this class, we continue to rebuild the body and use slow, methodical movements to get the body moving effectively. This class is the kind of class to use when you’re feeling more energetic and ready to see how a...
Recover and Hold

Recover and Hold

Focus: Back, Chest, Shoulders, Hamstrings In this yoga class, we will use long, gentle holds to help the body recover. This class will teach you ways to keep your mind clear, reduce stress, and help with anxiety, as you go through cancer treatment and rehabilitation....
Recover and Balance

Recover and Balance

Focus: Hips, Quads, Groins, IT-Bands This class is all about the hips and finding different postures to target this area. As you navigate your treatment and rehabilitation program, it can be a stressful and anxious time. It is common for the body to store stress in...
The Next Step to Wellness

The Next Step to Wellness

Focus: Twists, Restorative yoga, Stress Reduction In this class, our goal is to create gentle yoga postures that restore mobility and resiliency in your joints and muscles. Give yourself permission to do less so that you can find a yoga practice that nurtures your...