Knocking On The Gates Of Change

Knocking On The Gates Of Change

Focus: Core, Strength, Adductors, Groin,  Yoga is a change machine and through the asanas, we can access physical change. In this class, we will explore postures that will help bring about a strong body and a focused mind.  Use this class for times when you need to...
Refill your Energy Tank

Refill your Energy Tank

Focus: Relaxation, Restorative When life gets busy, you can use a restorative practice to refill your energy levels and heal your body. In this class, you will use props (yoga blocks, yoga strap, and a bolster) to do passive yoga postures that help you recover from a...
Calm the Inner Fire

Calm the Inner Fire

Focus: Adductors, Groins, Hamstrings, Hip-opening, Hips In Yin yoga we are searching for ways to gently expand the body, calm the mind, link it to our breath.  We use this practice and direct your energy to be cool, calm and grounded through the asanas. In this...
This Practice is Just Right: Yoga for Balance

This Practice is Just Right: Yoga for Balance

Focus: Balance, Hamstrings, Hip-opening, IT Bands We start the practice focusing on the shoulders and twists to get the body ready for our practice.  As the class progresses, we focus on getting into the IT-bands and start to try and release the outer thighs.  Surya...
All Around and Back Again

All Around and Back Again

Focus: Adductors, Back-bending, Hamstrings, IT Bands, Twists This class is for those looking for a little bit of everything.  It isn’t too hard, not too easy but gives you an all-around practice.  There is emphasis on lengthening the IT bands and Hamstrings. We add...