Breathe Deep and Relax

Breathe Deep and Relax

Focus: Back, Hamstrings, Hips Modern life can be busy, and life can be stressful.  Yin yoga is a great practice to help relax and reset the body and counteract when life gets stressful.  This is a longer yin sequence, so it is a great practice to add into your evening...
Let’s Twist Again

Let’s Twist Again

Focus: Arm balances, Strength, Twists “Come on let’s twist again, like we did last summer”, this class supposed to be as light-hearted, and fun, as the famous Chubby Checker song.  The class starts with twists to get the body moving and grooving so that the spine and...
Our Mission: Activation and Motivation

Our Mission: Activation and Motivation

Focus: Core, Groin, Hip-opening, Strength The purpose of this class is to remind the body that we need to activate and motivate the muscles to strengthen and lengthen the body. After some variations of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), we progress to some movements...
Cultivating the All Around Experience

Cultivating the All Around Experience

Focus: Adductors, Groin, Hip-opening, Strength Some days we are just looking for an all-around class that brings a smile to the face and a levity to the mood.  This class is designed to create a feel-good feeling throughout the body. When we connect to the body and...
Amp up our Practice

Amp up our Practice

Focus: Adductors, Arm balances, Groin, Hip-opening, Strength, Twists, Yoga Conditioning In this class, we learn that when we amp up our practice and help lead it to a greater articulation of the body.  We explore variations of Garudasana (Eagle pose), twists and...