Body Awareness Meditation

Body Awareness Meditation

Focus: Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath awareness In this mediation practice, you learn to use a simple technique by focusing the mind on certain parts of the body. It’s simple to do but not always easy to practice. So, don’t try too hard when your mind...
Be Present, Stay Balanced

Be Present, Stay Balanced

Focus: Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath awareness In this mediation practice, we focus on different body parts to give the mind something to do. Mediation is about exercising the mind to stay focused on the present, so by using different parts of our body, we can train...
Learn to Breathe Effectively

Learn to Breathe Effectively

Focus: Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath awareness In this breath-focused practice, you learn a foundation breath to all of yoga. It is called ujjayi breath, and it is simple to practice; inhale through the nose and then exhale through the nose. This practice is a great...
Cool and Calming Breath

Cool and Calming Breath

Focus: Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath awareness In this breath-focused practice, you will learn a breathing exercise called sitkari pranayama. Sitkari is a type of breathing exercise that promotes calm in our mind and cooling in our bodies. As first responders, it is...
Balanced Breath

Balanced Breath

Focus: Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath awareness In this breath-focused practice, you will learn a breathing exercise called anuloma viloma pranayama. In this breath, we learn to start using alternate nostril breathing as a way to learn to balance body and mind. It...