Alternating Balanced Breath

Alternating Balanced Breath

Focus: Meditation, Mindfulness, Breath awareness In this breath-focused practice, you will learn a breathing exercise called nadi shodhana pranayama. In this breath, we learn to use a more advanced style of alternate nostril breathing. Just like other breathing...
Intro to Mindfulness for Peak Performance

Intro to Mindfulness for Peak Performance

Focus: Breathing, Mindfulness We use mindful techniques to develop resiliency so that we unlock our mind’s true potential. Many times, in sports, we draw on determination and grit to push through to new boundaries but how do we train this for our mind?  We do this...
Creating a Competitive Edge

Creating a Competitive Edge

Focus: Breathing, Mindfulness Being in the present moment can be challenging when you’re in the heat of the moment and the game is on the line.  We use meditation to help train the mind so that when things go our way, or against us, we have the resiliency to reset the...