Creating a Competitive Edge

Creating a Competitive Edge

Focus: Breathing, Mindfulness Being in the present moment can be challenging when you’re in the heat of the moment and the game is on the line.  We use meditation to help train the mind so that when things go our way, or against us, we have the resiliency to reset the...
Visualization to Find Success

Visualization to Find Success

Focus:  Visualisation, Mental In this meditation, we take it deeper and find other techniques to add mental skills to your training regimen.  We move from focusing entirely on the breath and in this practice, use visualization to find the perfect play and recreate the...
Find your Zen with Breath

Find your Zen with Breath

Focus:  Breathing, Visualization In this practice, we come back to the focus on breathing and add depth to the type of breathing exercise we are going to do.   We use alternate nostril breathing to calm down the body and balance it.  This technique gives the mind...
Taking it Easy

Taking it Easy

Focus: Rehabilitation, Recovery, Hamstrings, Hip flexors, IT Bands This class is designed to help the legs recover from sports.  We focus on hamstrings, hip-flexors and IT Bands; a common source of tension for athletes.  By using yoga postures as a part of your...
Hard Work is Finished, Time to Recover

Hard Work is Finished, Time to Recover

Focus: Rehabilitation, Recovery, Adductors, Groin, IT Bands, Hips, Spinal mobility We start this class on our backs and using a yoga strap, we find ways to open hamstrings, adductors/groins, and IT Bands.  As the class progresses, we add hip mobility and spinal...