Focus: Restorative yoga, Hips, Hamstrings, Groin, Adductors In this class, we will use some yoga props to help us get deeper into our therapeutic practice. This class is about creating balance in the body and mind and help you get through your cancer treatment and...
Focus: Hamstrings, Hips, Hip-openers, Hip-flexors, Groin Life gets busy and compounding that with a busy shift where you are saving lives and taking care of business, it can get challenging. Fortunately, Yoga is a tool we can learn to help diffuse stress and clear...
Focus: Hips, Hip-openers, Shoulders, Groin, Side-bending This class is about learning to relax the body and the mind. It seems like it should be easy, but as first responders, we don’t always have time to properly unplug from the calls and stress we can feel...
Focus: Hamstrings, Hips, Hip-openers, Groins, Back-bending Yoga is a useful tool to deal with stress, anxiety and even symptoms or diagnosis with PTSD. I used gentle yoga, like this class, to help me deal with these issues that resulted from years of being a...
Focus: Shoulders, Hips, Hamstrings, IT-Bands, Adductors In this class, we add some more challenges to the practice. So, if you’re looking to build some strength and mobility, then this is an excellent class to use. As the class progresses, we learn a new posture...