What is Vinyasa Flow Yoga?
These online yoga classes are for those that want a healthy mix of challenge but aren’t interested in getting too much heat built in the body and want a great, all-around ashtanga yoga from home class. Synchronizing our breath with our vinyasa flow yoga practice gives us the ability to develop the conduit between the body and the mind and creates a vital link between the two of them.
Sun salutations and creative vinyasa flow sequences are emphasized, along with some challenging options for those wanting just a little bit more in their ashtanga yoga practice from home, but without the challenge a POWER class provides. By linking your breath and movement you will energize your mind, body and spirit while creating a moving meditation in a relaxed and welcoming environment; your home or wherever you are able to practice vinyasa flow yoga.
There are several lengths of online ashtanga yoga classes to choose from, whether you have 30, 45 or 60 mins to devote to your vinyasa flow yoga practice. The result will be the same: an expanded body that feels lengthened, strengthened, and harmonious. Postural yoga will bring about change from the consistency of the practice, not by the length of time you spend on the mat, so feel free to find a length of practice that works for you.
Featured Vinyasa Poses

Crow Pose
- Core strength and stability
- Shoulder strength
- It makes the wrists and the arms stronger
- The spine is toned and strengthened
- Fosters inner focus and concentration

Shoulder-pressing pose
- Improves body control and concentration
- Strengthens wrists, hands and upper body
- Improves abdomen muscles and digestion
- Improves blood circulation
- Promotes metabolism as it is a heating pose

Reverse Warrior
Viparita Virabhadrasana
- Strengthens and stretches the legs, groins, hips
- Lengthens the sides of the torso and waist.
- Improves flexibility in the spine, inner thighs, ankles, and chest.
Featured Vinyasa Yoga Classes
NZD $18/month for unlimited access, cancel anytime.